Mark Wahlberg: LA types are pretty out of touch with the common person


Mark Wahlberg is currently doing some press around Patriots Day, the movie about the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. Wahlberg stars in the film with actors like JK Simmons, John Goodman, Kevin Bacon, Michelle Monaghan and more. Considering he comes from a working class neighborhood of Boston, I would expect his accent work to be pretty decent, at the very least. Anyway, Wahlberg is also having to do interviews following the election, and he has some sh-t to say about how celebrities shouldn’t talk about politics.

“A lot of celebrities did, do, and shouldn’t,” he told Task & Purpose last week, at a swanky luncheon in New York, held on behalf of his upcoming film “Patriots Day.” We were talking about the parade of actors and musicians who lined up to denounce Donald Trump in the months and weeks leading up to Election Day.

“You know, it just goes to show you that people aren’t listening to that anyway,” he continued. “They might buy your CD or watch your movie, but you don’t put food on their table. You don’t pay their bills. A lot of Hollywood is living in a bubble. They’re pretty out of touch with the common person, the everyday guy out there providing for their family. Me, I’m very aware of the real world. I come from the real world and I exist in the real world. And although I can navigate Hollywood and I love the business and the opportunities it’s afforded me, I also understand what it’s like not to have all that.”

[From Task & Purpose]

I’m so thankful that there’s a steady stream of white cisgendered heterosexual men telling the rest of us to calm down and shut up following the election. I understand what Wahlberg is saying – that Hollywood types are out of touch and no one is listening to them anyway – but like Seth MacFarlane pointed out, Donald Trump IS Hollywood, and he’s out of touch with the “working man” too, much more so than most Hollywood types (most of whom came from working class or middle class backgrounds). And people were listening to Trump, weren’t they? I guess the rest of America only cares about what a Hollywood-type says when he’s being a racist and a misogynist. Something Mark Wahlberg would know first-hand.

And just FYI: many of the celebrity women who publicly supported Hillary Clinton did so (proudly) because they were standing up for women’s rights, reproductive rights, wage equality and more, all of which was discussed openly, and all of which affects every woman in this country. The idea that Mark Wahlberg – again, a white heterosexual man who was once convicted of a violent hate crime – is somehow more “living in the real world” as opposed to someone like Elizabeth Banks or Julianne Moore? It’s laughable.

Last thing: Mawkee-Mawk is in a new Transformers movie. Do I have to pretend to care about this? Here’s the new trailer:


Photos courtesy of WENN.
