Bethenny Frankel takes surfing lessons in Sydney, shows off bikini bod

These are photos of Bethenny Frankel in a bikini on Bondi Beach in Sydney, Australia today. She went alone and left her daughter back with her soon-to-be ex husband. We get the occasional paparazzi photo from Bondi Beach, usually of the much more camera-friendly Hugh Jackman making us bite our palms and stifle screams from our cubicles at work. It’s safe to assume though that Frankel called the paps here, and that she wanted to show off her lithe bikini body, which is her bread and butter if you will. I guess the idea is for us to see how great she looks and go out and buy Skinnygirl margarita mix.

Last month, when Bethenny announced that her foodie friend had lost 66 pounds following her Naturally Thin book, I looked up the reviews for her diet book on Amazon. It got mixed reviews, with one person summing it up as “Eat whatever you want as long as you don’t go over 800 calories a day, drink water, exercise as much as you can.” The gist is that Bethenny doesn’t recommend “depriving” yourself, in that you can have three little bites of anything, but you can’t have a whole cookie for instance, or a whole steak. She also recommends what another reviewer calls “neurotic, eating disordered behaviors” like pulling the bread out of half a bagel or English muffin and just eating the crusts. (Personally I would rather count calories, and anything under 1,200 a day makes me lightheaded.) So that’s how she achieved this enviable figure, and it sounds like a lot of suffering. It obviously works for her.

In terms of Bethenny’s career, she has a new talk show premiering this fall and she’s writing a book about “the struggles and compromises all single moms face.” As if, with all the money, help and fame she has, she has any idea what’s it’s like to struggle and compromise. Her “compromises” involve going to Australia instead of Italy, where paparazzi are harder to come by.

As for her personal life, in the wake of her divorce Bethenny has been staying occasionally in the upper east side home of a billionaire she claims is just a “friend.” That’s extreme luxury, not a struggle. As is a weekend jaunt down under. Must be nice.

Photo credit: FameFlynet
