Taylor Swift is already bored with Harry Styles: They have nothing to talk about

Harry Styles and Taylor Swift are still together. No, this isn’t her record. I think her longest relationship might have been John Mayer, quite honestly. They managed to be together for a lot longer than people think, mostly because Swifty kept her “I must have this relationship out in public, for my fans!” thing relatively locked down. Her second longest relationship might have been Conor Kennedy – that thing lasted a good four or five months. So Swifty and Harry have been together all of a month or so. On average, Swifty has maybe two more months of solid glitterponies and makeouts behind the bleachers before Harry dumps her (over the phone). But according to Star Magazine, Swifty might be the one doing the dumping. Because beyond the great hair and the impish smile, there’s not a lot going on with him?

Taylor Swift always suspected that Harry Styles was trouble, but who could have predicted that Harry’s biggest offense would be boring her half to death?

“Taylor thinks Harry’s adorable, but when they’re done hitting the clubs – or making out – they really have nothing to talk about,” an insider recently told Star. “Any time she tries to engage him in conversation, it goes nowhere.”

Considering that Swift’s most recent boyfriend, Conor Kennedy, was a good conversationalist – as was her former flame John Mayer – it doesn’t bode well for Harry that he’s a man of few words.

“Taylor’s already thinking of moving on,” says our source. “She’s gotten all the headlines off their romance that she needed, and now she has her sights set on someone a bit older.”

As for Harry, our source says there is no need to worry about him: “Taylor knows he’s a chick magnet, so he’ll rebound soon enough!”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

Dear Swifty: you cannot have it all. And what did you expect when you go from one 18-year-old to another? 18-year-old dudes are not known for their intellectual prowess. If they’re talking to a girl, they likely can’t focus on anything because they’re got a boner. What I’m saying, Swifty, is that you can either have an adorable 18-year-old boyfriend with good hair (because I know “hair” is one of your biggest priorities in a boyfriend, because it’s like you’re 11 years old) or you can have a dude who can actually talk to you about politics and art and careers and dreams and everything. You will never find that dude if you’re first requirements for boys are “must be 18 and have good hair, willingness to be pap’d on a daily basis a plus.”

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet and PCN.
