Camila Alves baby bump

Here are pictures of Matthew McConaughey’s pregnant girlfriend, model Camila Alves, 22. Supposedly Camila is three months along, though expert bump spotter Celebitchy thinks she looks further along than 12 weeks. Though to be fair, her dress is the style that makes a lot of women look pregnant, so it could just be accentuating what she’s already got. It’s also kind of flowing and looks like it might have a few layers… who knows.

Matthew’s whole family seems pretty exciting about the pregnancy, and McConaughey posted an entry written by his mom on the journal section of his website.

“Just when I think life cannot get any sweeter, Matthew and Camila fill life with more ….. so here I am, “Drinking from my saucer, because my cup is indeed overflowing with this new baby!


Matthew’s a pretty “easy living” sort of guy, but many websites are saying Matt’s mother Kay is anxious for the couple to get married.

Some mums are never satisfied, are they? Matthew McConaughey’s mum was delighted to hear that she was going to become a grandma – but she now wants to hear wedding bells now too. Earlier in the week, Matthew revealed that he and girlfriend Camila Alves had “made a baby” in a blog on his website and his mum Kay recalled the phone call where she found out about the pregnanct [sic]: “He said, `Mom, are you ready?’ And I said, ‘What?’ And he said, ‘Camilla and I are going to have a baby.’ And I go, ‘Oh, that’s wonderful! So when are y’all getting married?… This is a question that 76-year-old mothers ask, Matthew.’”

“Out in Hollywood they get their sequence all mixed up. But I have dropped the subject. He is going to be a wonderful dad. He likes to have fun. He won’t put up with whining. But it’s going to be a happy child.” Matthew recently explained that he felt no pressure to marry: “I believe in the institution [of marriage], but I don’t feel you have to marry. A kid just needs a mom and a dad.”

[From Fametastic]

Matthew definitely seems like he’ll be a good, fun dad. It’s hard to find much out about Camila’s personality, but in the past McConaughey seems to have picked women that were pretty easy going and could love his trailer-living lifestyle. No word on if the couple is planning on raising the new baby in the Airstream or not. Though if they do, I’m fairly certainly it’ll be the first celebrity baby raised in a home with a generator-only power supply. If nothing else, it’ll keep the kid humble.

Picture note by Jaybird: Here’s Matthew and Camila Alves enjoying their Sunday entertaining friends at their Airstream trailer in Malibu. Header of Camila showing off her baby bump as she shops for flowers and ice at Ralph’s Supermarket. Images thanks to Splash Photos.
