General Hospital Spoilers: Heather Hook Reveal Esmes Mom the Killer or Accomplice Behind Stab

General Hospital Spoilers: Heather Hook Reveal – Esme’s Mom the Killer or Accomplice Behind Stabbings?

General Hospital (GH) spoilers tease that Heather Webber (Alley Mills) is apparently tangled up in all the hook drama somehow. Let’s recap some evidence found on the latest victim and think about what it means for the serial killer storyline.

An earring was found in Rory Cabrera’s (Michael Blake Kruse) pocket following his fatal encounter with “The Hook.”

That led to some DNA testing and made a stunning connection to Ryan Chamberlain’s (Jon Lindstrom) deceased ex-wife, Gloria Wilson.

Since Gloria has been dead for 30 years, the fact that her DNA matched this earring came as quite a shock to the police.

Of course, the cops don’t realize that earring is from a stolen chain – one full of killer keepsakes that Heather swiped from Ryan.

Does that mean Heather herself is “The Hook” or could there be another explanation?

Heather is capable of anything, so we can’t rule out the idea that she’s been coming and going as she pleases from her facility.

After all, Heather got her hands on keys and has been letting herself in Ryan’s room.

It wouldn’t be that farfetched to think Heather has been sneaking beyond prison walls to kill people on Esme Prince’s (Avery Pohl) behalf.

The jangling sound could’ve been due to the keepsake chain – and Heather might be someone who Diane Miller (Carolyn Hennesy) would recognize on a vague level without everything clicking into place.

However, we also can’t dismiss the idea that Heather has been working with an accomplice.

Esme’s former nanny might be an intriguing option since GH fans have heard so much about her.

Maggie Fitzgerald was the one person in Esme’s life that she felt close to when she was younger.

What if Heather kept tabs on Esme through Maggie and was behind this particular nanny choice?

It’s possible Heather and Maggie have been tag-teaming as “The Hook” – meaning there could actually be two hooks involved.

That might explain how “The Hook” has been able to pop up so many places at just the right time.

Regardless, Heather seemingly has strong ties to “The Hook” chaos, so fans will need updates on the truth soon enough!

Whether “The Hook” is Heather, Maggie or both of them as a team, viewers want the real story.

General Hospital spoilers say the PCPD will keep working to solve the mystery, so stay tuned for more news on the case.

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