David Duchovny was about to propose when gf revealed she was engaged, pregnant

David Duchovny during an appearance on NBC's 'Late Night with Seth Meyers.'
David Duchovny was on Fresh Air with Dave Davies on NPR yesterday promoting his new somewhat baseball-themed novel, Bucky F*cking Dent. I knew Duchovny was an author and that he’s published another book, but I didn’t realize that he actually graduated from Princeton and has a masters in English literature from Yale. Judging from the excerpts they read on NPR, it shows. Duchovny explained on NPR that his mom, a Scottish immigrant, instilled in him a love of books and education. Plus his parents came from a poor background and education was seen as insulation against poverty in a way.

Although Duchovny’s book isn’t autobiographical he said that he included some parallels to his life. The character Ted has a college relationship which ends in a kind of shocking way. The breakup scene was “similar to something that happened to me,” and is “maybe the closest thing” in the book to his own life, Duchovny explained.

It’s almost exactly the same as in the book… We had dated during college and we had drifted apart and I had decided that enough was enough and I was going to marry her and we were going to stop drifting apart. We made a date to meet for dinner in New York. I was at Yale graduate school at the time… and I came down and we did that thing as it is in the novel.

‘I got news for you.’

‘No, I got news for you.’

‘You go first, what’s your news?’

My news was going to be ‘Will you marry me?’ and hers was ‘I’m pregnant and I’m getting married.’

She went first, luckily for me.

[From NPR]

Duchovny said he didn’t know if he ever told the woman that he was going to ask her to marry him, that he doesn’t know how to get in touch with her now, but that he does “Hope she gets the book.” That’s crazy. I guess Duchovny’s former girlfriend is going to figure it out now.

There’s so much more in Duchovny’s NPR interview. He said that he had no acting training when he landed the role of Fox Mulder on X-Files and that he learned on the job. He also told a touching story about how his daughter was sick as an infant and how he had trouble bonding with her afterwards because he had been so scared of losing her.

The issue of infidelity came up, as it related to the characters in the book. Davies asked Duchovny if that was “Based on anything you saw in your own family in your own life” and he answered in general terms and turned it around into an issue of being present for your loved ones.

I think we all have experience in our families of these kinds of things for sure. They’re part of the human condition. I think what I’m addressing in the book it’s not really about that issue so much of the issue of being present and being inside the life that you are living with those that are living with you and around you. I think that’s the story that I’m telling… of a guy who wasn’t there in some profound way. He wasn’t present… children feel that, loved ones feel that.

That was deep. We know that Duchovny has had issues with fidelity, he went to rehab for sex addiction back in 2008, but it sounds like he has a different perspective on what that meant to the people around him. I really enjoyed that interview. I could listen to him speak for hours.

David Duchovny Honored With Star On The Hollywood Walk Of Fame

David Duchovny Honored With Star On The Hollywood Walk Of Fame

David Duchovny during an appearance on CBS's 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.'
