Joe Jonas might have a drug problem, thats why the JoBros canceled their tour?


Last week, people were talking about the Jonas Brothers. Which was weird because I find it hard to believe that anyone really cares about the Jonas Bros that much. But the JoBros were supposed to go on tour, only they canceled it at the last minute. Their rep told media outlets: “There is a deep rift within the band. There was a big disagreement over their music direction.” Which is a pretty hardcore statement, putting it out there that there’s a “deep rift” amongst the brothers. Still, people did think that there was another, secret story to it. Maybe the ticket sales were awful? Maybe they just hate each other? Something like that. Well, Radar/Star has a theory and it’s not good:

When the Jonas Brothers canceled their tour just two days before it was set to kickoff fans were shocked and disappointed, but a new report points the finger at Joe Jonas, claiming the middle brother has a secret drug problem that prevented the band from touring.

“He’s been dealing with substance abuse issues for quite some time,” an insider told Star magazine of Joe, noting that his management team, friends and family “have been begging him to seek help. The tour would shave never survived with how Joe was behaving.”

The brothers — Kevin, 25, Joe, 24 and Nick, 21 — have long maintained a wholesome reputation with fans, including purity until marriage, despite reports in March of a sex tape existing between Joe and girlfriend Blanda Eggenschwiler.

Joe’s rep dismissed the story saying, “There is no truth or validity to the story. It is completely false.”

But sources tell Star magazine that if Joe’s team had looked deeper into the sex tape accusations instead of laughing it off, they may have uncovered his downward spiral.

“At this point, Nick and Kevin don’t care what is going on with the band, they just want to see their brother healthy,” a source told the mag. “They’ve had discussions with Joe about their fears for him and the importance of getting help.”

And it looks like he has — Joe has been recently photographed with drug-addiction specialist, Mike Bayer, who also worked with his ex-girlfriend, Demi Lovato.

“Everyone is rooting for Joe to get healthy,” the source added.

[From Radar]

Scandalous, for sure. I wonder why Radar/Star doesn’t name the drug? My guess is cocaine and/or Oxycontin, if we’re just theorizing. Anyway, would this surprise you if true? It wouldn’t surprise me. I’ve always felt like Joe was the one who… struggled. He was the one with secrets, he was the one with more demons than the average JoBro. If it is true, I hope he does get help.




Photos courtesy of Out Mag, WENN, Joe’s Instagram.
