Lin-Manuel Miranda is in talks with Disney to create a Latina princess


I’m really happy Lin-Manuel Miranda and Disney found each other. Disney is the luckier of the two, because Miranda is so smart, talented, passionate and approachable. Fortunately, Disney sees this too. Miranda’s written music or lent his voice on quite a few Disney projects, including, of course, Moana, for which he co-wrote the music and Mary Poppins Returns. But their next project will be personal to Miranda, who is Puerto Rican and a feminist – he’s working on bringing a Latina princess into the Disney fold.

It is now conceivable that the porcelain princesses Cinderella, Snow White and the “Frozen” leading ladies could be dethroned — “Hamilton” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda is in talks with Disney about co-writing an animated musical featuring a young Latina heroine.

Amid much debate about the lack of diverse lead roles in Hollywood, particularly in the animated genre, Miranda is talking to Disney about a follow-up to its 2016 smash hit “Moana.”

Miranda’s father, Luis, exclusively told Page Six, “He is talking to Disney about a sequel to ‘Moana,’ but the movie would be about a Latina princess.”

[From Page Six]

Like the rest of you, I add my voice to the “why has this taken so long?” chorus but I am glad it’s happening, at least. And, as you may have gathered, I think Miranda is a great choice to make it happen. I am slightly confused by how a Latina princess would be in a sequel to Moana but who knows, maybe Moana will journey to Puerto Rico and we’ll get a double princess movie out of it. However it happens, it’s nice to see Disney still inching in the right direction. I’d be happier if they would pick up the pace on true representation but as long as they aren’t going backwards, I’ll hold my complaints.

Miranda is in Puerto Rico performing a 17-day run of Hamilton that’s expected to raise $15 million to help rebuild after the devastation of Hurricane Maria. It’s been a very emotional time for the cast and the people of Puerto Rico. And because it is such a big deal, people seem to forget themselves in the theater, as happened last week when Miranda caught a lady filming during the show. In the middle of singing My Shot, Miranda improvised the lyrics to call her out:

Hamilthought, Show #7, 1/16/19
2nd "rewrite":
"I'm a get a scholarship to King's College
I probly shouldn't brag, but dag, I amaze & astonish,
I gotta holler just to be heard…"

Please don't make me do that shit again.

— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) January 16, 2019

But this is Lin-Manuel Miranda we’re talking about – so of course there’s a Disney ending. Fourth Row wrote him a sincere apology that he publicly accepted and they’ll probably spend secondary holidays with each other whenever they’re in each other’s cities from now on:

In a million years, I never…
Gracias. Thanks for your apology and thanks for coming to the show. Y saludos a mami.

— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) January 17, 2019

I’m not saying I need a Disney prince, but if I were to get one, Miranda’s a great option.

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