Mistress claims Tiger Woods had gay sex

2009 Australian Masters - Day 3

The only way this story could get any better is if the headline was “Tiger Woods has crazy gay Ambien sex with Tom Cruise.” Which, you know, is coming. So, anyway, one of Tiger’s mistresses – let’s name her Dopey… or Sneezy… or Strap-on. Her real name is Loredana Jolie, and she’s Italian maybe. She’s now trying to get a million-dollar tell-all deal in which she’s alleged going to describe all of the kinky sex she and Tiger used to have, or all of the kinky sex she witnessed Tiger having. “Kinky sex” being “an orgy in which any hole will do” I think.

One of Tiger’s many mistresses, Loredana Jolie Ferriolo, is penning a tell-all book about the golf ace and claims that she witnessed him in gay encounters.

RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively that Loredana has claimed she saw Tiger having sexual relationships with other men. That shocking twist is something no other mistress has claimed and there has been no proof.

But Loredana recently attempted to sell her story for $1 million and graphically described group sex that included incidents of Tiger with other men, RadarOnline.com has learned exclusively.

Loredana says she is planning to spill all about how she and Tiger “came about, his healthy appetite for arranged sex, threesomes, girls next door, girl-girl, and an answer to all the rumors surrounding Woods’ sexuality.”

That hint about Tiger’s sexuality is the key to Loredana’s hopes for making a seven-figure deal, no matter how unlikely that seems.

Loredana, a gorgeous blonde from Sicily, has told people she was one of Tiger’s favorite mistresses.

One of her representatives told RadarOnline.com: “She is in talks with a number of publishing companies regarding a tell-all book deal.”

Loredana has kept a low public profile since being named as a Tiger mistress but and lately has been spotted at an upscale Florida country club on the golf course, taking golf lessons.

[From Radar]

Meh. I mean, I could believe that Tiger tried a little man-on-man action. It wouldn’t surprise me. But I think all of his mistresses prove pretty firmly two things: Tiger is mostly heterosexual and he has horrible taste in mistresses.


Meanwhile, as MSat was talking about yesterday, the whole “Where in the world is Tiger Woods?” thing has become a subject of much speculation. Msat reported the theory that Tiger was in New York, staying at Trump Tower. Meanwhile, Us Weekly’s cover story this week is all about how Tiger is laying low at the Long Island mansion of “his billionaire pal Jim Dolan, the controversy-prone CEO of Cablevision and owner of Madison Square Garden and the New York Knicks.” A source told Us Weekly: “[Dolan is] the one keeping him under the radar. Jet-setting everywhere. I know Tiger’s flown on Jim’s jet from Florida probably three times.” However, just hours after that story was released, Tiger’s yacht Privacy was seen leaving the dock in Florida, and it is unknown if Tiger is on board. Meanwhile, Elin is back in Florida, without her wedding ring (photo below):


Elin Woods in Florida on January 6, 2010. Credit: Barcroft/Fame Pictures. Us Weekly cover courtesy of CoverAwards.
