Michael Fassbender is at the Berlin Film Festival, being sexy and gingery

Like a moth to a flame, so too will I find new Michael Fassbender photos. Fassy is currently in Berlin, where I imagine he’s speaking perfect German to whatever dark lass he comes across, hoping to sweet-talk his way into her sweetshop. He’s also there to promote Haywire at the Berlin Film Festival with Gina Carano and Antonio Banderas. Can I just have a word about Antonio – I love him, completely and utterly, but I’m SO tired of this haircut on him. He needs it longer, shaggier. He’s so much sexier with longer hair. As is Fassy, by the way. I don’t get why Fassy isn’t growing out his ginger. As for Gina… she looks gorgeous, as always. It seems like Fassy was flirting with her a little bit during the press conference. I wouldn’t mind it if Fassy and Carano got together. I imagine that sex would be… athletic. Impressive. Substantial.

Did I ever mention that I went to see Haywire? I never wrote a review for it, so would you like to hear my thoughts on it now? First thing – I actually did enjoy the movie. Gina Carano kicks ass and takes names. Fassy is sexy and brutal. Antonio is really, really sexy too. Ewan McGregor’s character is a bit of a sniveling wimp, but he played that with aplomb. And I have to admit… Channing Tatum was really good. He played the most sympathetic character, oddly enough. I had two big problems with the film: one, the voiceover work that Laura San Giacomo did on Gina’s lines is really obvious, and rather distracting. Two, Steven Soderbergh should have spared an extra three minutes to get everyone caught up on the backstory when the “plot” is revealed. I understood what was happening, but I needed an extra minute and I didn’t have it.

In other Fassy news, please keep sending me tips and stories and videos and stuff – I always enjoy Fassy stuff, even if I don’t get a chance to reply to you. Someone requested that I cover this Page Six story from a few days ago – how Fassy went to the BAFTAs with his parents, and how he didn’t drink:

Actor Michael Fassbender ensured he’d be on his best behavior for Sunday night’s BAFTA parties in London: He brought his parents as chaperones. The “Shame” star reportedly got rowdy at the earlier UK premiere of “A Dangerous Method” and was carted off via piggyback after dancing with Viggo Mortensen. But on Sunday, “Michael came with his parents, and didn’t drink,” said a spy at a Le Baron Weinstein Co. fete.

[From Page Six]

Some people have read something sinister into this, like “Fassy knows he has a drinking problem, and he brought his parents as sobriety minders, and of course he’s headed to rehab.” Can’t a brother just bring his parents as his dates to a big awards ceremony? As for the drinking issue – I don’t know. He was thrown out of that London party, but I believe that was more about his smoking than his drinking. Could it be that Fassy is another Colin Farrell, that his excesses will get the better of him at some point? It’s possible.

Last thing – a fellow Fasslunatic sent me these lovely videos. These are only for the fellow Fassy-obsessives. If you dislike him, move along, bitches.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
